Although we are currently in lockdown due to the corona virus this doesn’t mean that our DofE journey has to be put on hold!

The DofE award scheme has made some amendments to allow students to continue with their activities at home during CV19.

Any changes to a students programme need to be discussed and agreed upon with their crew leader but there is no reason they can’t change to activities that can be done at home during this difficult time.

I have students that have changed from playing football for their local team to now running for an hour a week using a phone app to record their evidence. Other students are helping to shop for neighbours to continue with their voluntary activity or listening to their younger siblings read.

There is further advice about this on the official website

Obviously the expedition and residential aspects of the DofE Programe have been put on hold until further notice from the government. I will let you know of any changes to this situation as soon as possible.

Best wishes to you all and get creative at home but remember to evidence anything you are doing. I would love you to send photos of the things you’re doing. Email them to your crew leader or to me: [email protected]

Please speak with your crew leader if you have any concerns or questions or would like further support.

As per the Prime Minister’s announcement last night concerning ‘staying at home and staying away from others’, our schools will remain open only for the children of key workers, and those that have been identified as vulnerable.

We have strict guidelines in place regarding hand hygiene and social distancing. Our available staff are operating a rota throughout the period.

We will continue to provide you all with as much structure and support as we can during this very difficult time.

Stay safe everyone.

Jamie Portman (Principal of XP and XP East)

Parent Support Centre

Our new ‘Parent Support Centre‘ is now online.

The video below shows how you can access advice on how we are using technology at this time. This includes:

    • How students are set work
    • Why we use different online technologies
    • How to access these technologies
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How to contact staff

Even more content will be added to the website in the next few days.

A family’s guide to online learning

Dear parent / guardian,

We have created ‘A family’s guide to online learning at XP’ which can be accessed by clicking on the hyperlink, or the image below.

Part of our strategy revolves around helping students and families to structure their days in order to establish routine. Where possible, we would like students to follow their normal timetable and complete the work that has been set by their teachers. A ‘weekly planner’ will be available for each year group and published on our website on a weekly basis. This will provide a very brief overview of the week in order to highlight what students should be working on.

Whilst the weekly planner will provide an overview of the week, Google Classroom will be used to provide specific details for tasks. Staff will be able to set work, provide resources, and even create videos in some instances which will go some way in ensuring that families are supported.

As mentioned, following the normal timetable is only a suggestion but establishing a routine at home may help families to ensure that students can focus on their learning.

We are also setting up a ‘Parents support centre’ which will be released as soon as possible. This will contain useful resources, a contact list for teachers and staff, and other information to support parents during this time.

Best wishes,

Jamie Portman (Principal of XP and XP East)

Update from Mr Portman

We will keep our schools open for as long as possible, whilst ensuring that we keep our students / children safe. This is our top priority.

As you are aware the Government has announced the closure of all schools from the end of the day tomorrow, Friday 20th March 2020.

We will be keeping the school open for those children whose parents/carers work as key workers and those who are open to social services, support agencies or have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Key Workers that we are aware of include:

  • NHS Staff
  • Police
  • Fire Fighters
  • Social Care workers
  • Teachers & Nursery Nurses
  • Delivery drivers
  • Other essential Public services

I am sure you will appreciate, a plan needs to be prepared urgently and therefore we would really appreciate a response to the following request:

  1. Please contact the school offices as soon as possible should you believe you fall into one of the categories listed above. We appreciate the phone lines may be busy, therefore please also use our admin email if you need to which is [email protected]
  2. Please state your child’s name and your reason you request your child to remain in school during these difficult times.

We are continuing to look at supporting our families who are entitled to free school meals and will provide updates as soon as we can. Please keep checking the website daily for updates. 

Best wishes,

Jamie Portman (Principal of XP and XP East)

Sports galore

Yesterday Year 7 were taking part in their PE presentation of learning. Students from XP and XP East were pitted against each other in a table tennis competition. Josh, Jack and Asten were umpires for each table having been involved in PE sessions leading up to the event.

Down on the athletics track, Year 8 students were taking part in the run a mile challenge for Sports Relief. Our XP16 students were there to cheer them on, with Klaudia and Harrison taking photographs as part of their A Level course, and Rory and Ethan setting the pace on the track.