Today I had a hang out with some of my crew Hahn students this morning and then had a hangout with my XP16 mentor group this afternoon.
For the crew check in chicken I asked both groups the same question,
‘ Tell me 3 words that would best describe the person you see yourself or want to see yourself being in 10 years time’
There was one recurring word that came up in 90% of answers which. is to be happy : )
There was a mixture of other words such as, Having a job, mentally well, homeowner, financially secure, sane, friends, earn a wage, responsible, successful, athletic, being employed.
For most of them ‘happy’ was the thing they said third which leads me to wonder if by managing to make the other things happen then hopefully this will cause them to be happy or at least help towards them being happy?
We went on to explore that these things that they want for their future self aren’t out of reach for any of them. They’re normal things that most people want in their lives and as parents what we want for our children. We discussed that what we do today and tomorrow etc can impact on how likely we are to fulfil those ambitions and although life has Unfortunately thrown a big obstacle in our way (CV19) we can still achieve those dreams by continuing our studies at home and learning new skills.
So, it’s important to crack on with your school subjects and keep submitting your work to your teachers, they are all there to help you, I know this because i’m in touch with them all and every time i’ve asked their support has been given. Keep doing the work you’ve been set but also find time to find out who you are and what else you like doing…..
Some students have taken up new hobbies such as photography, others are getting fitter by cycling and running and can also put this towards their DofE awards! I have post 16 students cooking for their families and baking. One student couldn’t join my hangout this afternoon because he was laying paving slabs in his garden so we will check in together later in the week.
If you spend time each week doing some studying, learning new skills, keeping active and helping out others such as your families you will easily achieve the person you want to be in 10 years time.
Don’t worry about what you did or didn’t do yesterday / last week last month etc, concentrate on the things you can still do today, tomorrow and next week, because before you know it you’ll be 10 years older.