We will keep our schools open for as long as possible, whilst ensuring that we keep our students / children safe. This is our top priority.
As you are aware the Government has announced the closure of all schools from the end of the day tomorrow, Friday 20th March 2020.
We will be keeping the school open for those children whose parents/carers work as key workers and those who are open to social services, support agencies or have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Key Workers that we are aware of include:
- NHS Staff
- Police
- Fire Fighters
- Social Care workers
- Teachers & Nursery Nurses
- Delivery drivers
- Other essential Public services
I am sure you will appreciate, a plan needs to be prepared urgently and therefore we would really appreciate a response to the following request:
- Please contact the school offices as soon as possible should you believe you fall into one of the categories listed above. We appreciate the phone lines may be busy, therefore please also use our admin email if you need to which is [email protected]
- Please state your child’s name and your reason you request your child to remain in school during these difficult times.
We are continuing to look at supporting our families who are entitled to free school meals and will provide updates as soon as we can. Please keep checking the website daily for updates.
Best wishes,
Jamie Portman (Principal of XP and XP East)