As we continue to work our way through this unique and often challenging time, thank you once again for all your support. We really do appreciate your understanding as we, day by day, work through what is best for our students.
As mentioned to parents on Tuesday 9th June, I explained that we had plans in place to extend our in-school provision for Y12 students from Monday June 15th but that this would depend upon advice on the local situation from Public Health Doncaster. I also reiterated that any decision will be taken in light of the specific region of Doncaster, not the national picture as a whole.
This week XP representatives attended a video conference with Dr Rupert Suckling (the Director of Public Health Doncaster) who updated all Headteachers on the local situation concerning Covid-19. I have since received written documentation that states:
‘I can confirm that the launch of the new track and trace system means that I am now able to get a better understanding of the number of new cases at a local level. Although the number of cases has not steadied yet, the risk of catching COVID-19 in Doncaster is reducing. Encouragingly, there have not been any Coronavirus outbreaks in schools. Therefore, I am confident we are now at a stage where schools can consider how and when they reopen to a wider cohort of pupils, if they are able to do so, meeting all of the Government’s safety guidance.’
Consequently, our Leadership Team have decided in light of the information and on-going guidance from Dr Suckling, we intend to extend our in-school provision for both Y10 and Y12 students from Monday June 15th.
Our provision will adopt a very cautious approach which will offer some ‘face to face support’, in the first instance, for those students who are most at risk of falling behind. Attendance is not compulsory, and we totally respect any decision that parents make.
The provision will centre around a ‘learning review’ approach designed to help students to assess what they have done, what they might be struggling with and what they could do in the weeks ahead taking input from the student, their crew mentors, teachers and the leadership team.
It is our intention for all students in Year 12 to come into school at least once between now and the end of the academic year for a learning review. Crew mentors will be in touch to organise a time when your son or daughter can come in for their learning review Where we can, for those students that are not able to come into school we will use our online platforms to hold the learning review.
Any decision and plans regarding individual students attending more regularly will be made in the continuing partnership between the student, their crew mentor and parents.
We have created this guide for parents (which includes a FAQs section) providing case studies on how this provision will work.
As we already operate an in-school provision for children of key workers and those with special educational needs we have rigorous safety protocols in place for the 13-15 students that attend on a daily basis. In order to help parents to make an informed decision about sending students into school we have created this summary document (embedded below) which provides parents with some of the relevant Health and Safety measures. All of our safety protocols are based on ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings’ by the Department of Education.
The provision will be regularly monitored on a daily basis and any developments will continue to be taken with caution, and via on-going updates from Dr Suckling and Public Health Doncaster. I must emphasise that I will not hesitate to change or end the provision in light of any forthcoming information that suggests that our students or staff are not safe.
Last, but not least – we want to reassure you once again that we are here to listen to any concerns or questions you may have. If you are worried or need any clarification of any aspect of this, or any other update please just get in touch via your son or daughter’s Crew Mentor or contact:
[email protected] (Gail Stonier: Executive Lead for Post 16)
Best wishes,
Jamie Portman (Principal of XP and XP East)
Summary of useful links and docs: